
Insurance Regulatory Capital (IRC) provides subordinated debt capital as a solution for medium-sized insurance companies. Subordinated debt eligible as regulatory capital as set out in Solvency II.

IRC has joined Maiden Holdings and together offer a combination of products designed to meet the needs of risk management and capital of insurance companies.

Our goal is to ensure that medium-sized insurance companies can quickly access capital products such as subordinated debt and quota share reinsurance in the context of its risk and capital programs.


Mesa Redonda De 'Actualidad Aseguradora' en colaboracion con Maiden

¿Reaseguro o deuda subordinada?

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Solvencia II aumenta el atractivo de la deuda subordinada

Hasta ahora, las emisiones de dueda subordinada estan siendo un instrumento muy poco utilizado en nuestro pais para mejorar el capital. Con Solvencia II el escenario cambia sustancialmente, dado que opciones como esta pueden ser una gran ayuda para las entidades aseguradoras en su necesaria apuesta por ganar competitividad y para reforzar y/o proteger su capital de solvencia

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Establecer como objetivo un ratio de SCR adecuado

Publicar la información sobre el Capital de Solvencia ObligatorioSCR) permitirá comparar a las aseguradoras de todas las jurisdicciones donde se aplique Solvencia II en base a los mismos parámetros

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Entrevista a Guido Romani, representante de Maiden & IRC

“The Spanish market fits well with the business model pursued by Maiden low volatility, which should highlight a long experience over 30 years in providing services to companies of medium and small size.”

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Deuda subordinada para Mutuas

Lists the unique advantages for the subsector of the Mutual Insurance. Subordinated debt is approved as regulatory capital for mutuals.

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Deuda subordinada según lo establecido en Solvencia II

Brief document that explains how the subordinated debt can meet the regulatory requirements of Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) as set out in Solvency II. The document also details the advantages of using subordinated debt.

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Respuesta de IRC a la nota de la EIOPA

“The need for high quality public dissemination on the solvency and financial condition and the potential role of the external audit.”

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Presentación deuda subordinada

Presentation with advantages deriving from the issuance of subordinated debt.

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